Friday, May 21, 2010

Fan-Boss: Says sorry to Rafinha!

have Gelsenkirchen - "Fan-war" on Schalke: The whistles against Rafinha in the home game against SC Freiburg Rolf Rojek called to the scene.
The chairman of the Schalke Fan Club Association is furious and starts talking to the Express on its own followers, "Who has Rafinha booed should be ashamed and apologize to him." The "Upper Schalke" can not understand that a Most of the defenders own supporters with whistles thought, just wanted to because the Brazilians supposedly go to Bayern.
Rafinha Schalke remains true, but for this issue is by no Rojek from the table: "The days of Kuzorra and Szepan're gone, where are their club football faithful. Change is quite common in professional sport and there. Who boos their own players hurt, the whole club. "
Therefore, it has registered Rojek benevolent, that some of the fans responded to the whistles and Rafinha demonstratively reinforced at every touch with applause the back. Rojek: "On these fans, I'm proud." Now it will be interesting how in the next ten Schalke Rafinha will receive home game against Cologne. Are there any whistles or applause? Rojek, "I am optimistic that the unrest at Rafinha shall soon."
Also read: Last-Minute Shopping: first division cools give his sugar cones over 200 million euros from> Rafinha>