Friday, February 5, 2010

Pipi-alarm at Fortuna

Dusseldorf --
Determined, the man went with the blue and yellow jacket Fortune's "cabana" at the Arena-Sportpark, rang and explained his concerns: "I need the masters winner, and Stephen Oliver Fink doping control."
The players laughed themselves limp, thought grin: "Look at that you are ready by morning!"
It was not quite so bad, but actually beaten Fink took 55 minutes before he had sufficient "body-producing Kölsch" and then groaned, "Man, I had to do that twice! Real annoying. In the first experiment, the consistency was not right. And then I had to wait until it went again. Had I known, I would not gegegangen when jogging with Lumpi Strull. But the required 90 milliliters I then grabbed it yet. "Pipi alarm at Fortuna!
Fellow-sufferer had been victorious in the urine-way race clearly ahead. The six had finished after 17 minutes, said: "Rich 105 milliliters, I did not have the big problems."
Probably for this reason is not because physiotherapist Thomas Gucek immediately rushed to the rescue and the two chosen ones, a special promotional funds administered urination: two bottles of delicious cold beer of cyclist.
Seed a perfectly legal action, of course. So everything was running to the satisfaction of Bernd moth. "I work for the PWC GmbH, on behalf of the National Anti-Doping Agency carries out nationwide, virtually all controls", said the doping inspector. "The race is not playing but the DFL and thus the NADA responsible, but the DFB. Therefore, as to make other checks. "
This then drives schonmal such strange flowers as midfielder Marco Christ. Who had right after the season opener against Paderborn ran (DFB) and the next day at the expiry of the same again (DFL / NADA).
"I found a little exaggerated at the time," says the director. "But then I suppose this is one." Moth was last night still collect in terms of "Pee Samples" on the road. Even with his departure in Düsseldorf, he said: "I must now have at once the matter, still many deadlines." When they were all so time consuming, as Mr. Fink, that should have lasted a long time ...